After Sydney & Paris: What Lies Ahead for the Middle East & the World?
For a long time terrorism was localised to the Middle East alone.
Since September 11, 2001, and especially since 2013, terrorism has come to the most unlikely places: Copenhagen, Brussels, Paris, and now Sydney.
Is anyplace safe anymore?
In addition, Anti-Semitism and persecution of Christians is on the rise globally.
After Sydney and Paris takes a closer look at current events in the light of God’s Word.
In this timely presentation, you will learn:
- Why is there a spike in global terrorism in diverse places?
- What is really happening in Israel and the Middle East?
- Where can people find safety and freedom from fear?
- What does the Bible say about these times?
After Sydney and Paris is your ‘early warning service’ to the present and future.
Duration: 1 Hour
Format: Digital Download – Video MP4