End Game: Armaggedon (MP3 Download)


End Game: Armaggedon – Digital Download – Audio MP3

How Do We Know For Sure These Are the Last Days? Armageddon: The Last Days is not just an academic topic, it can evoke real emotions like dread or determination, desertion or dedication, depression or delight. But one thing is for sure: the subject is neither dull nor boring; in fact, it is life-changing! If these are the last days, we need to know it and order our lives accordingly.

Kameel Majdali will take you on a fascinating journey as he seeks to answer the key question: are these the last days.

Format: Audio MP3 – Digital Download


End Game: Armaggedon – Digital Download – Audio MP3

How Do We Know For Sure These Are the Last Days? Armageddon: The Last Days is not just an academic topic, it can evoke real emotions like dread or determination, desertion or dedication, depression or delight. But one thing is for sure: the subject is neither dull nor boring; in fact, it is life-changing! If these are the last days, we need to know it and order our lives accordingly.

Kameel Majdali will take you on a fascinating journey as he seeks to answer the key question: are these the last days.

You will learn:

  • The purpose of the Last Days;
  • The perilous nature of the Last Days;
  • The pitfalls to avoid;
  • How prophecy is being fulfilled before our eyes;
  • The glorious prospects that await those who have made Jesus Lord of their lives;

Many benefits await those who learn about the last days (II Peter 1:19; Revelation 1:3).

Now is the time to learn and let your light shine!

Format: Audio MP3 – Digital Download