Peaks of Prophecy Part 04


Peaks of Prophecy is a four part Bible-teaching series to help give you a thorough yet practical introduction to Biblical prophecy and end-time events.

Format: Digital Download – Audio MP3, Audio CD


Peaks of Prophecy Part 04: Understanding God’s End-Time Purpose

And I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away; and there was no more sea. 2 And I John saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband.
— Revelation 21:1-2

It is a most wonderful, yet most misunderstood, even neglected topic. It provides an early-warning service, a ‘heads-up’ to the future, brings edification, comfort, establishment, and prosperity to God’s people. It is also a light that shines in a
dark place, an incentive for holy living and evangelism. This topic is Bible prophecy.

Peaks of Prophecy is a four part Bible-teaching series to help give you a thorough yet practical introduction to Biblical prophecy and end-time events. In Part 04, here are some of the wonderful topics you will learn:

• Be introduced to the real nature of Armageddon;
• Learn about the second coming of Christ – at a surprising location;
• Have insight about Christ’s 1,000 Year Reign, called The Millennium;
• Learn about a possible future temple – you decide;
• Walk through eternity in the New Jerusalem;
• Enjoy the grand finale – paradise lost, paradise regained.

Peaks of Prophecy Part 04: Understanding God’s End-Time Purpose will inspire you to invest in your spiritual life as you walk the pathway of faith. Combine the audio MP3 teaching with over 50 pages of printable PDF notes, you will have greater insight about being ‘on the rock’ and becoming ‘future-ready.’

Bible prophecy can change your life. And the ‘Peaks of Prophecy Series’ can help.

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MP3 Download, Audio CD