The Arab Revolution (MP3 Download)


Will the Arab Revolution resemble 1989, when the countries of Eastern Europe broke free of communism? Or will it resemble 1917, where Tsarist Russia was replaced by a western-orientated provisional government, only to be hijacked by Lenin and the Bolsheviks?

This series will help you watch and be sober. (I Thessalonians. 5:6).

Duration: 4 Hours

Format: Digital Download – Audio MP3

Download Size: 112.6 MB


The Arab Revolution. The Making of a New Middle East.

The unprecedented Arab uprisings starting in 2011 mean the Middle East will never be the same again. It all began with the self-immolation of a Tunisian street vegetable vendor named Muhammad Bouazizi. His self-destruction ignited Tunisia Jasmine Revolution with led to the collapse of the 23 year old regime of President Zine El Abidine Ben Ali. But the wave of protests did not stop there.

Egyptians began to gather at Cairo’s Tahrir Square to demand the immediate end of President Hosni Mubarak’s regime. Despite nearly 30 years of iron-fisted rule, Mubarak was gone after 18 days. Country after country in the Arab world are experiencing grass roots, youth-driven protests to confront and end decades-old autocratic regimes. Even the 40 year old Gaddafi and Assad regimes in Libya and Syria respectively are being relentlessly shaken The world has never seen anything like it.

The western media love calling these uprisings the Arab Spring. But in the Arabic language press, the word they use is Revolution.

In The Arab Revolution: The Making of a New Middle East, you will learn:

  • Why is the Middle East important?
  • The causes of the revolution;
  • How it has affected key countries like Syria and Egypt;
  • The implications of the death of Osama bin Laden.
  • How non-Arab entities like Turkey, Iran, and Israel will be affected.
  • What implications does it have for Bible prophecy?

Will the Arab Revolution resemble 1989, when the countries of Eastern Europe broke free of communism? Or will it resemble 1917, where Tsarist Russia was replaced by a western-orientated provisional government, only to be hijacked by Lenin and the Bolsheviks?

This series will help you watch and be sober. (I Thessalonians. 5:6).

Duration: 4 Hours

Format: Digital Download – Audio MP3

Download Size: 112.6 MB