The Kingly Messiah: Understanding the Gospel of Matthew (part 1)


It is the royal beginning of the New Testament. The Gospel of Matthew is the story of Jesus of Nazareth. Yet there is more: it was written to persuade Jewish people that this same Jesus was the long-promised Messiah, Son of David, and King of the Jews. The use of genealogies, demonstration of power and miracles, plus many Old Testament references that were fulfilled by Jesus, the Gospel of Matthew is indispensable in helping us understand and apply Biblical principles to our lives.

Format: Digital Download – Audio MP3, Audio CD


The Kingly Messiah: Understanding the Gospel of Matthew (Chapters 1 to 14)

It is the royal beginning of the New Testament. The Gospel of Matthew is the story of Jesus of Nazareth. Yet there is more: it was written to persuade Jewish people that this same Jesus was the long-promised Messiah, Son of David, and King of the Jews. The use of genealogies, demonstration of power and miracles, plus many Old Testament references that were fulfilled by Jesus, the Gospel of Matthew is indispensable in helping us understand and apply Biblical principles to our lives.

In The Kingly Messiah: Understanding the Gospel of Matthew Part 01 (Chapters 1-14), you will learn about:

  • The genealogy of Jesus, proving He is the prophesied ‘son of David, son of Abraham;’
  • Baptism, temptation, and victory of Christ in the wilderness – ‘It is written;’
  • The majestic ‘Sermon on the Mount,’ which is history’s most famous sermon;
  • The miraculous ministry of Messiah;
  • The power of the parables;
  • The coming rejection, despite doing so much good by the following parties: His generation, the 3 Galilean cities, the Pharisees, Nazareth, Herod, scribes, Pharisees, Sadducees, and Romans.


The Kingly Messiah – Understanding the Gospel of Matthew Part 01 gives you thorough coverage of all fourteen chapters and 489 verses of the Gospel of Matthew Chapters 1-14. Combine the audio MP3 teaching with 109 pages of printable PDF notes, you will have greater insight about being ‘on the rock’ and ‘future-ready.’


The Gospel of Matthew will change your life! And this series can help.

Format: Digital Download – Audio MP3, Audio CD

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