For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord
– Romans 6:23 (KJV)
It is a masterpiece and great pearl of the New Testament. Not only that, it has changed history. Romans spawned the Protestant Reformation in the 16th century and lit the res of the Wesleyan Revival in the United Kingdom during the 18th century. It is still transforming lives today.
The Book of Romans continues where the gospels leave o — describing the meaning of the crucixion and resurrection of Jesus Christ. It speaks about our victory over sin and death in the Christian life, the meaning of Israel, and much practical application for victorious Christian living.
In ‘The Roman Road’ you will be given much insight into the following areas:
- How Jew and Gentile, despite their dierences in history and circumstance, are all guilty of sin;
- Why the death of Christ and His cross sets us free from the control and condemnation of sin;
- Learn about how the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus sets us free from the law of sin and death;
- The ‘mystery of Israel’ and its unique place in history, current events, and future prophecy;
- How to live practically and victoriously in the 21st century.
The Roman Road gives you thorough coverage of all sixteen chapters and 433 verses of Romans. Combine the Audio MP3 teaching with 119 pages of printable PDF notes, you will have greater insight about your new life in Christ.
The Book of Romans will change your life! And this series can help.
Audio: 28 Hours
PDF Notes: 119 Pages
Format: Audio MP3
Download Size: 622.1 MB