Jesus, quoting from Deuteronomy, said it best: We do not live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God (Matthew 4:4). God’s Word…
Life is full of tragedies, and the Los Angeles fires of 2025 are the current ones. To see whole suburbs lay waste like a war zone, Americans fleeing and homeless…
The US presidential campaign of 2024 has been unlike any other: lawfare, assassination attempts, malicious smear, yet none of these stopped the re-election of Donald Trump. This article offers observations…
The story of the birth of Jesus Christ is well-known and much loved. It is the centrepiece of the West’s most popular holiday, Christmas. Did the shepherds of the field…
This expansive article, published in Sword Magazine (UK), speaks of the connection between the second coming of Christ and Zechariah 14. God blesses those who ‘watch and pray’ and this…
He went away for a long season, but Jesus Christ is coming to Planet Earth. Not for a courtesy call or extended visit. He is coming forever. We will examine…
The Sixth Commandment is short and simple: You Shall Not Murder. For most people, murder means directly killing another human being or directing someone to do so on your behalf.…
All earthly conflicts mirror the conflict in the heavenly realm. Christian believers are well endowed with the armaments necessary to win, as detailed in the Bible. In our third and…
2024 promised to be a tumultuous year. Now it includes an attempted assassination of a US presidential candidate, forty-three years after the near assassination of US President Ronald Reagan. How…
The Middle East and Ukraine wars are only the earthly visible counterpart of the war in the heavens. Only the Church, thanks to the Name and authority of Jesus, is…