Alpha & Omega: The Beginning of the End
(2nd Edition)
Are you fascinated or frightened by the end times? Do you see it as one long dark parade of evil: the beast, false prophet, whore of Babylon, and earth-shaking judgments? Or is it just plain confusing? The truth is that end-time prophecy is the brightest light we have in this world until Jesus returns (2 Peter 1:19). Many benefits await those who study and obey its principles (Revelation 1:3).
In Alpha and Omega: the Beginning of the End, Kameel Majdali clearly outlines the key events of the end times, with a solid Scriptural base. You will learn about The Signs of the Times; Nebuchadnezzar Statue; The foundation of all end time events: Daniel’s 70 Week Prophecy; Jesus’ End Time Discourse on the Mount of Olives; Gog and Magog (Ezekiel 38-39); Key events in the Book of Revelation; Campaign of Armageddon; The second coming of Christ; The 1000 Year Reign of Christ, also known as ˜The Millennium; The Eternal State. Read Alpha and Omega and you will never view the future the same again.
Paperback: 288 pages.
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