Teach All Nations – Europe
Teach All Nations – Europe
Our mission is called: Restoration Europe. Restoring the continent to its Biblical Christian roots.
Here are some things you should know …
Birth of Western Civilisation
Athens and Jerusalem: Western civilisation has made an oversized contribution to the world. From the West has come philosophy, democracy, human rights, rule of law, and high ethics, which come from the Ten Commandments found in Exodus 20.
The twin pillars of the West are:
Greco-Roman: This represents Athens, whose philosophy, culture, and language and paid rich dividends. For the Christian, ‘Athens’ has given us our New Testament, written in koine Greek. Also, church creeds, councils, and theology are from the Greeks.
Judeo-Christian: This second pillar is indispensable. Without it, we would not have ‘the West’ as we know it. This represents Jerusalem and is based on the Bible, with its precepts, principles, commands, and alpine high ethical standards.
From Europe, the ‘mother continent,’ have the benefits of Greco-Roman, Judeo-Christian have spread throughout much of the world. Also, Europe sent the gospel to the ends of the earth, including Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, and the Americas.
Europe’s Statistics and Challenge
- Population: Today, Europe has 741 million people (11{c679535ed5d01d7f2ab98a868dcb55335eaff2a07d527cd40d4da5eb3a4fa0c8} of the world’s population);
- Religious Demographics: Officially, 76{c679535ed5d01d7f2ab98a868dcb55335eaff2a07d527cd40d4da5eb3a4fa0c8} of Europeans are ‘Christians.’ Muslims are 6{c679535ed5d01d7f2ab98a868dcb55335eaff2a07d527cd40d4da5eb3a4fa0c8} and unreligious 18{c679535ed5d01d7f2ab98a868dcb55335eaff2a07d527cd40d4da5eb3a4fa0c8}.
- Church attendance: Only 5{c679535ed5d01d7f2ab98a868dcb55335eaff2a07d527cd40d4da5eb3a4fa0c8} in Britain and 3{c679535ed5d01d7f2ab98a868dcb55335eaff2a07d527cd40d4da5eb3a4fa0c8} or less on the continent.
- Challenges for the Church in Europe: Rapid secularisation of Europe, left-wing progressivism/socialists/humanists and radical Islam are working overtime to undermine and destroy western civilisation. Secularist leaders refuse to acknowledge the role of Christianity in the formation of European identity. Instead, they have brought back the ancient Greek goddess Europa as the symbol of Europe. She can be found on bank notes, coins, stamps, magazine covers, and statues across the continent. Hence, there is a process of re-paganising. Any fallout will be felt worldwide, including Australia and Malaysia. Anti-semitism is also on the rise in Europe.
Europe’s Solution: Revival and Restoration
- Migrants: From Africa, Caribbean, Eastern Europe are breathing new life to the churches of Europe;
- Missionaries: Believers from ‘the colonies’ are returning to Europe to minister the gospel. They come from countries like Brazil, Korea, America, Africa, Asia and, yes, Australia.
- Holy Spirit: Europe needs a move of the Holy Spirit;
- Bible: Europe needs simple, practical teaching of the Word of God. Many Europeans don’t even have the most rudimentary knowledge of the Bible and the Word of God. It is time to address this issue.
Our role: Teach All Nations – Europe seeks to play its part along with other like minded ministries in this restoration. Through teaching and preaching the Word – in churches, special meetings, online, radio, social media, and short-term missions, we want to work with the European church in this holy mission. Europe and Israel are linked and what blesses the one blesses the other.
Teach All Nations – Europe is based in the United Kingdom, in proximity to the continent of Europe and the Middle East, which is greatly affected by the West. It offers identical services to Teach All Nations Inc., headquartered in Melbourne, Australia.
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