Why Study the Gospel of Matthew Part 03 – The Kingly Messiah

Why Study the Gospel of Matthew Part 03 – The Kingly Messiah

Personal bible study, alone or in a group – big or small – is a sure and steady way to grow spiritually. In The Kingly Messiah: Why Study the Gospel of Matthew Parts 01 & 02, we have provided background information you help you go deeper.

In this third and final part, we offer an outline of Matthew to help you on your way to study and personal enrichment.


Part One: Birth and Growth of the King (1:1-4:11)

  1. The Birth of the King …………….. 1:1 – 2:23
    1. Genealogy of Christ ….. 1:1-17
    2. Birth of Christ ….. 1:18-25
    3. Visit of the Wise Men ….. 2:1-12
    4. Flight into Egypt ….. 2:13-15
    5. Herod Kills the Children ….. 2:16-18
    6. Jesus Returns to Nazareth ….. 2:19-23
  2. The Forerunner of the King ……………… 3:1-12
    1. Introduction of John the Baptist ….. 3:1-6
    2. Preaching of John the Baptist ….. 3:7-12
  3. Preparation of the King….. 3:13-4:11
    1. Baptism of Jesus ….. 3:13-17
    2. Temptation of Jesus ….. 4:1-11

                                  Part Two: Sermon on the Mount (4:12-7:29)

  1. Background to the Sermon………………. 4:12-25
    1. Jesus Begins His Ministry ….. 4:12-17
    2. Jesus Calls His First Disciples ….. 4:18-22
    3. Jesus Ministers in Galilee ….. 4:23-25
  2. Sermon on the Mount …..5:1-7:29
    1. Subjects of the Kingdom ….. 5:1-16
    2. Jesus and the Law ….. 5:17-7:6
    3. How to Enter the Kingdom ….. 7:7-27
    4. Aftermath of the Sermon ….. 7:28-29

                  Part Three: Authority and Anointing of the King (8:1-11:1)

  1. The King’s Power Encounters ….. 8:1-9:34
    1. Healings ….. 8:1-17
    2. Call of Discipleship ….. 8:18-22
    3. Miracles of Power 8:23-9:8
    4. Disciples of Jesus are Different
    5. Miracles of Restoration of life, sight, speech.
  2. The Distribution of the King’s Power ….. 9:35 – 11:1
    1. The Need for Delegation ….. 9:35-38
    2. 12 Apostles are Dispatched ….. 10:1-4
    3. 12 Apostles Are Instructed ….. 10:5-11:1

                             Part Four: The Rejection of the King (11:2-16:12)

  1. The Commencement of Rejection …………….. 11:2-30
    1. Rejection of John the Baptist ….. 11:2-15
    2. Rejection by Jesus’ Generation ….. 11:16-19
    3. Rejection of 3 Galilean cities …. 11:20;24
    4. Come to Jesus ….. 11:25-30
  2. Rejection by the Pharisees (12:1-50)
    1. Dispute over Sabbath Work ….. 12:1-8
    2. Dispute over Sabbath Healing ….. 12:9-13
    3. Plan to Destroy Jesus ….. 12:14-21
    4. Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit …. 12:22-30
    5. The Unpardonable Sin ….. 12:31-37
    6. Demand for a Sign ……. 12:38-45
    7. The True Brethren of Jesus ….. 12:46-50
  3.  Aftermath of the Rejection ….. 13:1-53
    1. Parables for the Multitude 13:1-35
    2. Parables for the Disciples 13:36-53
  4. More Rejection of the King ….. 13:54-16:12
    1. Rejection at Nazareth ….. 13:54-58
    2. Rejection by Herod ….. 14:1-36
    3. Rejection by Scribes & Pharisees … 15:1-39
    4. Rejection by Pharisees and Sadducees … 16:1-12

                     Part Five: Instructing The King’s Disciples (16:13-20:28)

  1. The Revelation in View of Rejection ….. 16:13-17:13
    1. Revelation of the King ….. 16:13-17
    2. Revelation of the Program … 16:18-17:13
  2. Teaching In Light of the Rejection … 17:14-20:28
    1. Teaching about Faith 17:14-21
    2. Teaching about Jesus’ Death .. 17:22-23
    3. Teaching about Taxes … 17:24-27
    4. Teaching about Humility 18:1-5
    5. Teaching about Causing Offence … 18:6-20
    6. Teaching about Forgiveness …. 18:21-35
    7. Teaching about Divorce …. 19:1-15
    8. Teaching about Wealth 19:16-20:16
    9. Teaching about Jesus’ Death … 20:17-19
    10. Teaching about Ambition … 20:20-28

                  Part Six: The King Welcomed & Rejected (20:29-27:66)

  1. Two Blind Men Acknowledge the King … 20:29-34
  2. The King Welcomed in Jerusalem… 21:1-17
    1. The Triumphal Entry … 21:1-11
    2. The cleansing of Temple 21:12-17
  3. Israel Responds to the King ….. 21:18-22:46
    1. The Fig Tree Cursed …. 21:18-22
    2. Collision with Priests & Elders 21:23-22:14
    3. Collision with Pharisees & Herodians … 22:15-22
    4. Collision with Sadducees … 22:23-33
    5. Collision with Pharisees … 22:34-46
  4. The King Reproves Israel …. 23:1-39
    1. Jesus Describes the Pharisees … 23:1-12
    2. Jesus Condemns the Pharisees … 23:13-36
    3. Jesus Weeps Over Jerusalem …. 23:37-39
  5. The King’s Second Coming (Olivet Discourse)… 24:1-25:46
    1.   Herod’s Temple Will Be Destroyed … 24:1-2
    2. The Disciples Questions … 24:3
    3. What is the Second Coming … 24:4-31
    4. When is the Second Coming … 24:32-51
    5. Jesus Judges the Sheep and Goat Nations … 25:1-46
  6. Passion of the King ….. 26:1-27:66
    1. Conspiracy to Kill Jesus … 26:1-5
    2. Anointing of Jesus for Burial … 26:6-13
    3. Judas Plans to Betray Jesus … 26:14-16
    4. Celebration of Passover – The Last Supper … 26:17-35
    5. Arrest at Gethsemane … 26:36-56
    6. Trial of Jesus … 26:57-27:25
    7. Crucifixion of Jesus … 27:26-56
    8. Burial of Jesus … 27:57-66

                           Part Seven: The Resurrection of the King (28:1-20)

  1. The Tomb is Empty ….. 28:1-8
  2. Jesus Appears to the Women ….. 28:9-10
  3. Jewish Leaders Bribe the Soldiers ….. 28:11-15
  4. Jesus Appears to the Disciples … 28:16-17
  5. The Great Commission ….. 28:18-20

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